Bullock & Associates is a service oriented company highly specialized in the field of controlling Transportation and Distribution costs. Specifically, we specialize in the correction of freight bill overcharges and duplications BEFORE they are paid at no cost to our clients other than a pre-agreed per freight bill fee. The primary benefit is that our clients maintain control of their freight funds coupled with detailed data of each shipment.

Bullock & Associates, after years of experience in the transportation field, has developed quick and efficient methods to audit freight bills and correct the Carriers' errors of duplicate bills, usage of incorrect rates, errors in extension of freight, etc. These techniques, which are constantly improved and updated, allow Bullock & Associates to handle your traffic/transportation problems better and more economically than most "in house" traffic departments.

Pre-Auditing also brings to our attention routing and freight description errors than result in excessive and unnecessary transportation charges. Correction of just these errors can provide immediate savings of thousands of dollars. We professionally assess overcharges and often know of special rates or more economical modes of distribution. Many traffic departments are unaware of such knowledge and innocently cause a continuation of unnecessary shipping expense.

Bullock & Associates subjects ALL freight bills to a detailed audit and correction of overcharges. Delay in taking advantage of an efficient Pre-Audit service can obviously result in your loss of profits.







Your TRAFFIC department can concentrate on the movement of your freight, rather than the shuffling of paper


  • ACCOUNTS PAYABLE no longer has to deal with the intricacies of freight billing

  • YOU control your freight expense - NOT the carrier


  • INSTANT access to freight payment history, as well as current billings


  • A WEALTH of information at your fingertips




  • SAVINGS!! Generally over and above the cost of our services!





Why not This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us today for a free consultation on controlling your freight payables!