Each year corporations pay millions of dollars in mis-billed and incorrect freight charges. These dollars could be put to better use had they not been paid in the first place. Your traffic department is already overloaded with the task of getting your product to market, or handling your raw material shipments.



For over 30 years, Bullock & Associates has provided Pre-Audit & Payment Services, a service that had been performed with high integrity since 1985, and post-payment recovery of mis-billed and incorrect charges since 1970. Our job is to supplement your traffic department, while at the same time reducing your transportation costs.  Additionally, our payment service can take a major load off of your Accounts Payable department by requiring them to only process one payment and relieving them of the necessity of dealing directly with your freight vendors.  Moreover, the data captured during the audit process can be invaluable to your company in planning, budgeting, and oversight.  Adding up the cost savings of any or all of these services, and Bullock & Associates is truly a no-cost option!



Look into one of our no-cost options today. E-mail us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or call our client services department for a brochure.

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